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The Sound of Freedom Nearing

This week, the sound of A Star Called Love began emerging from the imagined realms of songwriters, composers, musicians, and me.  A green and winding road brought Eric Mogli DeAratahna, Dariel and I to Tammi Brown’s beautiful home, to stomp ring-shout rhythms upon her wood floors, reverberate the beautiful voices of two of her singers into an entire Black Baptist Choir through the mysterious magic of Eric’s recording ingenuity, and pace and meter concepts into chords.

These melodies haunt you.  Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen, This Train is Bound For Glory, Run Lala Run! and so many more echo in my mind as I try to sleep at night.  Tammi pulled the past into the present, sending goosebumps up my arms, and shivers down my spine, as I tread in the footsteps of a deep, rich  history of souls.

For all of our enthusiasts, moved by mere words read in my living room; you will be shaking and clapping and wanting to jump to your feet or burst into tears, or simply sing along when you hear these sounds!

Two months to go!  Rivera

Magnolia blossoms, momentum grows.

This is a day of anticipation, the feeling of sun breaking through a cloud, an amazing force taking hold, and rolling us towards an epic journey.  Dariel and I are reaching, reaching, reaching out, far and wide across this Santa Cruz community, and touching each person one at a time with Lala’s spirit of love, sharing, adventure, and hope.

Today is my office day, when I return phone calls (maybe yours!) and emails, schedule recording sessions and coordinate technicians for our Benefit Performances and Sneak Previews (keep yours eyes out!).  We are honored to be in the position to give, give, give to schools, spiritual centers, private gatherings, and help send Lala’s voice into as many ears as possible.

Breakfast is cooking on the stove, a reminder to balance this monumental undertaking with the everyday practice of living.  The magnolia tree outside the dining room window bursts lime green and deep pink.  Breathe deep, dear ones, and savor the moments as they pass.

Rehearsing “A Star Called Love”

Rain tucks us in, burrows us inside the world of rehearsals.  Hard at work rehearsing the trilogy of Lala shows, I (Rivera) pace, line by line, these characters into existence.  Lijah’s shoulders spread wide, Lala’s hips swing forward and sideward, Mamalou rolls her exasperated eyes as she bends slowly to pick up a pin.  Every character is a person, complex as we each are, changing and evolving as well.  Today my solo performer brain reels with their nuances, overwhelmed by their tangible emerging presences.

Welcome to Rising Sun Dance and Theater

Rising Sun Dance & Theater creates and tours enjoyable, heartwarming, deeply profound performances, and workshops in communities across the nation.

Welcome aboard, Audience Members, Presenters, Teachers, Community Partners, Actors, Dancers, and Designers! Thank you for joining us on a journey that changes people’s lives! Learn more about our educational, inspirational, theatrical projects. . .